On 3rd of October 2020, JumpStart Pakistan Sydney Chapter organised a day-long networking event to as part of their Lift Pakistan 2020 Road Show Sydney. It was hosted in Himalaya Restaurant Granville.
The program was started with opening remarks by Shabahat Ali (Joint Secretary of JumpStart Pakistan Sydney Chapter). The program was segmented into three sessions. The first one was about Startup Business Ideas moderated by Shaharyar Jawaid (President of JumpStart Pakistan Sydney Chapter). In this session, the following presentations were delivered
- H2Z Business Services by Mushir Hussain
- Construction Solutions by Anas and Umar
- Opportunities for Micro-Entrepreneurs by Hamza Jamil
After each presentation attendees were given the chance to ask questions to presenters. There was a networking session was conducted in between to let people to connect with each other.
The second session was about successful entrepreneurs moderated by Muhammad Omair (Vice President of JumpStart Pakistan Sydney) and it included
- MacCastles by Imran Shah
- Secure & Profitable Investments in Islamabad By Muhammad Kashif
- Smart Electronix By Adnan
The third and last session was about success stories of migrant entrepreneurs. This session was moderated by Alia Khan (General Secretary of JumpStart Pakistan Sydney Chapter). Stories were from:
- Ejaz Khan from Juris Australia
- Munir Hussain from Sydney Forex
- Rashid Khan from Evacuation
The program was very interactive and entertaining. It was concluded with delicious lunch, live performances, awards to sponsors and thanks to participants.
Most of the event was streamed on Facebook and YouTube Live at PakOZ (fb.com/PakAussie & tinyurl.com/pakozyt) by Young Innovators media team (fb.com/YoungInnovatorsAustralia).
Youn can reach to Jumpstart Sydney at https://www.facebook.com/JumpStartSydneyAU.